Iputxainia,first of all, a family adventure !


It's a crazy idea...but today it's real ! We did it!

It all starts in 2014. We all wantED to lead a project together, a project of accommodation in the Basque Country, in the region of St Jean Pied de Port ; where our parents, so often, took us fishing, looking for mushrooms, hiking... where our grandparents gave us so many memories at the Baigorry campsite...


On this day in January 2014, the Hotel Iputxainia stands in front of us ... an institution in the valley... so many weddings, baptisms, communions... celebrated here.

But what we see is a hotel that's been abandoned for 20 years, covered in vegetation and where there's everything to be rebuilt... A real challenge...

We never built nothing, we are not handymen, we don't know nothing about it ... but we have courage, we believe in it, we want to.


3 years of work, a few slanging matches, a lot of fatigue... but strong family ties, consolidated friendships, and also some very precious craftsmen...


Suivez-nous sur :


Maison IPUTXAINIA, chambres et table d'hôtes au Pays Basque

Au Bourg | 64220 ASCARAT

E-mail: jean@respyrenees.com

Tel : (0033) 06 89 66 43 45